
Susedgrad je srednjovjekovna utvrda na jugozapadnim obroncima Medvednice nedaleko ušća rijeke Krapine u Savu. Podignut je početkom 14. stoljeća na strateškom putu Siscia – Emona. Nalazio se između utvrda Medvedgrad i Samobor.  Sjedište Susedgrada se nalazi u današnjoj zagrebačkoj četvrti Podsused. Susedgrad je zaštićeno kulturno dobro Republike Hrvatske kao arheološki lokalitet  od 1963.

Susedgrad is a medieval fortification on the southwestern part of Medvednica, not far from the mouth of the Krapina River in the Sava. It was built at the beginning of the 14th century on the strategic route of Siscia – Emona. It was located between the Medvedgrad and Samobor fortresses. The centre of Susedgrad is located in today’s Podsused district of Zagreb. Susedgrad is a protected cultural heritage of the Republic of Croatia as an archaeological site since 1963.

Podsusedska priča

Rana povijest

Prije Susedgrada na tom je mjestu postojala manja srednjovjekovna utvrda. Iz razdoblja dolaska Slavena na ovom je prostoru pronađen grob ratnika iz 9. stoljeća.  Uz njega je bio pronađen željezni mač s brončanim okovima. Sastavni dio kulturnog dobra je i srednjovjekovna kapela sv. Martina, građena na povijesno i strateški važnom mjestu iz antičkog doba.

Early history

Before Susedgrad, there was a smaller medieval fortification in the same place. From the time of the arrival of Slavs, in this area was found a grave of a warrior from the 9th century. An iron sword with bronze irons was found next to him. A part of the cultural heritage is also the medieval chapel of St. Martin, built on a historically important strategic site from the ancient times.


U povijesnim se izvorima Susedgrad prvi put spominje 1316. godine. To ime upućuje na smještaj naselja podno staroga feudalnog posjeda Sused. Ta riječ potječe od staroslavenske riječi koja je označavala roba ili kmeta, što je povezano s činjenicom da se radi o najvećem feudalnom posjedu na ovim prostorima. Dao ga je podići hrvatsko-ugarski kralj Karlo Robert Anžuvinac, a oko 1530. godine, zbog turske opasnosti, postojeća se utvrda proširuje. Grad je imao unutrašnje i vanjsko dvorište, bunar, gradsku kapelu i gospodarske prostorije. U unutrašnjem dijelu su  bile stambene prostorije, a u vanjskom obrambene zidine sa puškarnicama.


In historical sources, Susedgrad was first mentioned in 1316. This name refers to the settlement at the foot of the old feudal estate Sused. This word stems from the Old Slavic word that signified a slave, which is directly related to the fact that it is the largest feudal estate in this area. The Croatian-Hungarian king Karlo Robert Anžuvinac built Susedgrad, and around 1530, due to the Turkish danger, the existing fortress expanded. The city had an inner and outer yard, a well, a city chapel and a business center. Inside, there were living spaces and outside there were defensive walls.


Susedgrad je bio u vlasništvu nekoliko velikaških obitelji, a rodbinskim vezama i nasljeđivanjem u 16. stoljeću taj je posjed došao u ruke zloglasnog Franje Tahija protiv kojega su se seljaci digli u poznatoj seljačkoj buni 1573. pod vodstvom Matije Gupca. Na području Susedgrada seljački je ustanak izbio 3. veljače, a ugušila ga je feudalna vojska.


Susedgrad was owned by several feudal families, and, through relatives and inheritance it came into the hands of the infamous Franjo Tahi in the 16th century. The peasants rebelled against Tahi in the famous peasant rebellion in 1573 under the direction of Matija Gubec. In the Susedgrad area, the rebellion started on February 3rd, and was smashed by a feudal army.

Pad Susedgrada

U 16. se stoljeću na ovo područje doseljava mnogo novih stanovnika s područja Like i Krbave koji bježe pred Turcima. U prodorima Turaka, potkraj 16. i na početku 17. stoljeća, spaljena su sela i porušene crkve. Grad je napušten nakon požara u 17. stoljeću. Od utvrde i dvora ostale su samo ruševine, a dio kamenih i keramičkih nalaza iz 15. i 16. stoljeća nalazi se u Hrvatskom povijesnom muzeju. Sačuvano je jako malo zidova i teško se mogu raspoznati ikakvi objekti, ali se zna da je prostor bio okružen vanjskim obrambenim zidom s okruglom kulom.

The fall of Susedgrad

In the 16th century, many new inhabitants from the area of ​​Lika and Krbava escaped from the Turks to this area. At the end of the 16th and in the early 17th century, the Turks burnt villages and destroyed churches. The city was abandoned after the fire in the 17th century. Only the ruins of the fort and the courtyard remained, and a part of the stone and ceramic objects from the 15th and 16th centuries are located in the Croatian History Museum. Very few walls have been saved and objects are difficult to recognize, but it is known that the space was surrounded by an outer defensive wall with a round tower.

Susedgrad danas

Prvo naseljavanje okolice Susedgrada u moderno doba krenulo je s gradnjom željezničke pruge Zidani Most – Zagreb – Sisak. “Zagorska željeznica” sagrađena je 1886. godine, a pruga Zagreb – Samobor otvorena je 1901. godine. Osobito nagli rast broja stanovnika zabilježen je sedamdesetih i osamdesetih godina 20. stoljeća. Danas su ruševine Susedgrada okružene uređenim parkom do kojega vodi poučna staza iz samog središta Podsuseda. Na pločama staze možete pročitati zanimljivosti o utvrdi i njenoj bogatoj povijesti.

Susedgrad today

The first settlement of the Susedgrad area in the modern era started with the construction of the Zidani Most – Zagreb – Sisak railway line. The “Zagorje Railroad” was built in 1886 and the Zagreb – Samobor line was opened in 1901. The sudden increase in the number of inhabitants was recorded in the seventies and eighties of the 20th century. Today, the ruins of Susedgrad are surrounded by a landscaped park with a pedestrian path from the center of Podsused. On the track plates you can read some interesting facts about the ancient fortress and its rich history.